
The Westmount Room (photo courtesy of the Westmount Library)

A meeting in progress
A meeting in progress

Our next meeting (also on ZOOM)
will be at
6:30 p.m. on
Thursday, February 6th, 2025
in the Westmount Room of
The Westmount Public Library
4574 Sherbrooke Street West
Westmount (Montreal) Quebec H3Z 1G1

The quiz will be based on
The Adventure of Wisteria Lodge

We gather at the Westmount Public Library for bi-monthly meetings, usually on the first Thursday of every second month (February, April, June, August, October and December).

A feature of each meeting is the bi-monthly Bimetallic quiz, based on a pre-selected story from the canon (we eventually make our way through them all ... and then start all over again!) Other activities may include the presentation of a paper on the story, tests of observational or deductive skills, or discussions of the finer points of Sherlockiana or Victoriana. We also propose several traditional toasts, and have a wide-ranging Show & Tell session.

Everyone is welcome, particularly visiting Sherlockians. No need for advance notice, but if you do attend, please introduce yourself when you arrive.

Other events - ranging from parties to walks, international colloquia to Public Television fundraisers - bring us together at other times. Of course, the annual celebration of the Master's birthday in January, is our most popular event.

Why not join us for a meeting, and see if you like it? We welcome all visitors, many of whom go on to become members.

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